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Lbs = pounds

lb = pounds

gm = grams

mg/l = miligrams per litre

ppm = parts per million

% = percent

ft2 = square foot

sq ft = square foot

ft3, = cubic foot

cu ft = cubic foot

yd3 = cubic yard

gal = gallons

gals = gallons

a = acre

L = litre

ml = millilitres

gr = grains

gpg = grains per gallon

hr = hours

min = minutes

sec = seconds

hr/day = hours per day

min/hr = minutes per hour

min/day = minutes per day

gal/day = gallons per day

sec/day = seconds per day

ml/min = millilitres per minute

ml/L = millilitres per litre

L/gal = litres per gallon

Q = A x V / Quantity = Area x Velocity

ft/sec = feet per second

cu ft/sec = cubic feet per second

cu ft/sec/MGD = cubic feet per second per million gallons a day

MG = million gallons

MGD = million gallons a day

HTH solid = Calcium Hypochlorite

Liquid (gal) = Sodium Hypochlorite

Vol = volume

Wt = weight

PSI = pounds per square inch

in2 = square inch

Head = height of water

D =diameter

Dia = diameter

lbs/gal = pounds per gallon

gal/ft3 = gallons per cubic feet

gal/cu ft = gallons per cubic foot

ft/PSI = feet per square inch

GPM = gallons per minute

GPD = gallons per day

C = concentration

V = volume

Q = flow

Hp = horse power

kw = kilowatt

gal/min/ft = gallons per minute per foot

Eff = efficiency

Kw/Hp = kilowatt per horse power

cents/Kw-Hp = cents per kilowatt – horse power

Lbs/day = pounds per day

Cost/lb = cost per pound

GPM/ft = gallons per minute per foot

Gals/Capita/Day = gallons per capita per day

SCADA = supervisory control and data acquisition

mA = milliampre or milliamp

GPM/sq. ft. = gallons per minute per square foot

inches/ft = inches per foot

GPD/L.F. = gallons per day per weir length, foot

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