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Water Hp - 1

FIRST. Read the question CAREFULLY and look for KEY WORDS to help you decide what formula to use.


What is the Water Horsepower of a pump if the Flow is 2,000 GPM and theTotal Head,ft is 300 ft


SECOND. By using the KEY WORDS you see this is a (Pumping) problem, that includes (water horsepower).

The Formula (F) and Conversions & Calculations (C&C) shown below.


Water Hp = GPM x Total Head, ft (F)

                        3,960 gal/min/ft


THIRD. Follow the solution procedure below to solve the problem!


2,000 GPM x 300 ft  =  600,000 GPM/ft  =  151.51 Water Hp

    3,960 gal/min/ft         3,960 gal/min/ft

Water Hp - 2

FIRST. Read the question CAREFULLY and look for KEY WORDS to help you decide what formula to use.


If a pump is flowing at 2.58 MG, and the total head feet is 257.What would be the Water Horsepower?


SECOND. By using the KEY WORDS you see this is a (Pumping) problem, that includes (water horsepower).

The Formula (F) and Conversions & Calculations (C&C) are shown below.


Gallons = MG x 1,000,000 (C&C)1


Gal/min = Gal/day (C&C)2

           1,440 min/day


Water Hp = GPM x Total Head, ft (F)3

                          3,960 gal/min/ft


THIRD. Follow the solution procedure below to solve the problem!


2.58 MG x 1,000,000 = 2,580,000 gal


   2,580,000  =  1,791.67 GPM

1,440 min/day


1,791.67 GPM x 257 ft  =  460,459.19 GPM/ft  =  124.78 Water HP

           3,960 gal/min/ft            3,960 gal/min/ft

Brake Hp - 1

FIRST. Read the question CAREFULLY and look for KEY WORDS to help you decide what formula to use.


What is the Brake Horsepower of a pump if the Flow is 2,500 GPM, the Total Head,ft is 275 ft, and the Pump Efficiency is 85%


SECOND. By using the KEY WORDS you see this is a (Pumping) problem, that includes (brake horsepower).

The Formula (F) and Conversions & Calculations (C&C) shown below.


Decimal = % divided by 100 (C&C)1


Brake Hp = GPM x Total Head, ft (F)2

             3,960 gal/min/ft x Pump%


THIRD. Follow the solution procedure below to solve the problem!


85% / 100 = .85


2,500 GPM x 275 ft  =  687,500 GPM/ft  =  204.25 Brake Hp

      3,960 x .85                    3,366

Brake Hp - 2

FIRST. Read the question CAREFULLY and look for KEY WORDS to help you decide what formula to use.


What is the Brake Horsepower of a pump if the Water HP is 200, and the Pump Efficiency is 74%


SECOND. By using the KEY WORDS you see this is a (Pumping) problem, that includes (brake horsepower).

The Formula (F) and Conversions & Calculations (C&C) are shown below.


Decimal = % divided by 100 (C&C)1


Brake HP = Water HP (C&C)2

                  Pump Eff.%


THIRD. Follow the solution procedure below to solve the problem!


74% / 100 = .74 eff


200 HP  =  270.27 Brake HP

.74 eff

Motor Hp - 1

FIRST. Read the question CAREFULLY and look for KEY WORDS to help you decide what formula to use.


What is the Motor Horsepower of a pump if the Flow is 1,500 GPM, the Total Head,ft is 200 ft, the Motor Efficiency is 85% and the Pump Efficiency is 75%


SECOND. By using the KEY WORDS you see this is a (Pumping) problem, that includes (motor horsepower).

The Formula (F) and Conversions & Calculations (C&C) shown below.


Decimal = % divided by 100 (C&C)1


Motor Hp = GPM x Total Head, ft (F)2

3,960 gal/min/ft x Pump% x Motor%


THIRD. Follow the solution procedure below to solve the problem!


85% / 100 = .85            75% / 100 = .75


1,500 GPM x 200 ft  =  200,000 GPM/ft   =  79.2 Motor Hp

  3,960 x .75 x .85         2,524.5 gal/min/ft

Motor Hp - 2

FIRST. Read the question CAREFULLY and look for KEY WORDS to help you decide what formula to use.


What is the Motor Horsepower of a pump if the Brake HP is 175 and the Motor Efficiency is 83.6%


SECOND. By using the KEY WORDS you see this is a (Pumping) problem, that includes (motor horsepower).

The Formula (F) and Conversions & Calculations (C&C) are shown below.


Decimal = % divided by 100 (C&C)1


Motor HP = Brake HP(C&C)2

                    Motor eff. %


THIRD. Follow the solution procedure below to solve the problem!


83.6% / 100 = .836 eff


175 HP  =  209.58 Motor HP

.835 eff

$ Cost - 1

FIRST. Read the question CAREFULLY and look for KEY WORDS to help you decide what formula to use.


What is the total cost to operate your well site for 8 hours? The horsepower is 50 and the cost is 14 cents per kilowat-hr.


SECOND. By using the KEY WORDS you see this is a (Pumping) problem, that includes (cost).

The Formula (F) and Conversions & Calculations (C&C) shown below.


$ Cost = Horsepower Hp x 0.746 kw/Hp x Operating hrs x cents/kw-hr (F)1


Dollars = Cents divided by 100 (C&C)2


THIRD. Follow the solution procedure below to solve the problem!


50 Hp x 0.746 Kw/Hp x 8 Hr x 14 cents/Kw-hrs = 4,177.6 cents


4,177.6 cents    =  $41.78 Dollars

100 cents/dollar

$ Cost - 2

FIRST. Read the question CAREFULLY and look for KEY WORDS to help you decide what formula to use.


What is the total cost to operate your well site for 24 hours? The horsepower is 66 and the cost is 12.5 cents per kilowat-hr.


SECOND. By using the KEY WORDS you see this is a (Pumping) problem, that includes (Cost).

The Formula (F) and Conversions & Calculations (C&C) are shown below.


$ Cost = Horsepower Hp x 0.746 kw/Hp x Operating hrs x cents/kw-hr (F)1


Dollars = Cents divided by 100 cents/dollar (C&C)2


THIRD. Follow the solution procedure below to solve the problem!


66 HP x .746 kw/hp x 24 hrs x 12.5 cents = 15,127.20 cents


15,127.20 cents / 100 cents/dollar = $151.27

Wire to Water Eff - 1

FIRST. Read the question CAREFULLY and look for KEY WORDS to help you decide what formula to use.


What is the Wire to Water Efficiency if the well motor efficiency is 76% and the pump efficiency is 83%


SECOND. By using the KEY WORDS you see this is a (Pumping) problem, that includes (wire to water).

The Formula (F) and Conversions & Calculations (C&C) shown below.


Decimal = % divided by 100 (C&C)1


Wire to Water Efficiency = Motor% x Pump% (F)2


THIRD. Follow the solution procedure below to solve the problem!


76% / 100 = .76           83% / 100 = .83


.76 x .83  =  .6308 Wire to Water Efficiency

Wire to Water Eff - 2

FIRST. Read the question CAREFULLY and look for KEY WORDS to help you decide what formula to use.


What is the Wire to Water Efficiency if the well motor efficiency is 90% and the pump efficiency is 87%


SECOND. By using the KEY WORDS you see this is a (Pumping) problem, that includes (wire to water efficiency).

The Formula (F) and Conversions & Calculations (C&C) are shown below.


Decimal = % divided by 100 (C&C)1


Wire to Water Efficiency = Motor% x Pump% (F)2


THIRD. Follow the solution procedure below to solve the problem!


Motor 90% / 100 = .90


Pump 87% / 100 = .87


.90 x .87 = .783 wire to water efficiency

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